We Need a Level-Headed Conversation About Muslim 'Others'

by: Muhammad Abdul Bari 
Poll after poll provides us with a consistent picture of Muslim loyalty to Britain, yet too many still seem to see the glass 'half full' when it comes to Muslims.
The narrative championed by these 'half fullers' is that Muslims are predisposed to all kinds of negative behaviour - grooming, crime, terrorism, mistreatment of women - and how incompatible Islam is in contemporary Britain. The problem arises when the positives of any community are lessened, and the negatives amplified, but not seriously scrutinised by those in government. When challenged by Muslims, accusations of hiding behind a charge of "Islamophobia" and "victim" mentality are thrown about.

UNISON survey reveals scale of secret stress among ambulance workers

 Long hours, staff shortages and the mental demands of the job are placing an enormous burden on ambulance workers as nine in ten (91 per cent) say they are suffering with stress, according to a new UNISON survey published today (Friday) ahead of the union's annual health conference in Liverpool next week.
The survey - of 2,977 ambulance workers - reveals that three–quarters (74 per cent) are suffering with sleep problems, 72 per cent said they felt irritable as a result and experienced mood swings, and more than half (56 per cent) suffered with anxiety.
More than a third (38 per cent) said they had to take time off sick because of work related stress and a quarter (26 per cent) admitted they were close doing so.

LAS: Mid-Life Crisis!

by Eric Roberts - Branch secretary LAS Unison

The London Ambulance Service is 50 years old this month. In fact the 1st April marked the day (no jokes about April fool please!). It is fifty years since a number of smaller Services came together to form one unified Ambulance Service for the capital city.

The London Ambulance Service came into the world wide eyed and bushy tailed, innocent but full of hope. We should be celebrating but like most 50 year olds, the LAS has a mid-life crisis!