Contact Samad

You can get in contact with Samad Billoo by email at

You can find out more about the Respect Party on our national website at

Register to Vote

There will be a General Election and local council elections in 2010.

The Respect Party opposes the public service cuts proposed by the three old parties. We do not believe that ordinary people should be forced to pay painful price for the mess the bonus-hungry bankers have made of the economy.

We will be calling for an end to privatisation, public investment with an environmental job creation programme, pulling the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan and defence of our multi-cultural society against racism and Islamophobia.
We obviously hope you will vote for Respect. But whoever you wish to vote for your name must first appear on the electoral register. Unless you are registered you will not be able to vote in any of next year's elections.

For more details about registering to vote please visit where you can fill in an online form which you can then print off, sign and send to your local council.

You can also contact the local council at Electoral Services Office, First Floor, 1 Gentleman’s Row, Enfield EN2 6QQ. Telephone: 020 8379 8582; Fax: 020 8379 8584. Their opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm.

Remember, you can’t vote for anyone unless you are registered.

Make a donation for peace, justice and equality

Donations to Samad's election campaign can be made online using a debit or credit card or Paypal account. Donations will be processed via the Respect Party Paypal account and forwarded to Samad's campaign in Enfield Southgate.

You can also send cheques - made payable to Respect Party (write Samad Billoo Campaign on the back) to Respect Party, PO Box 167, Manchester, M19 0AH.

To comply with UK laws please read the statement below before making a donation. Thank you.

Terms and conditions - please read carefully
In compliance with party funding laws, if I am donating more than £50, I understand that my details will be checked to ensure I am registered on a UK electoral register (this applies to overseas residents as well as UK residents). If I donate more than £7,500 to Respect nationally in the course of a calendar year (or £1,500 to a single Respect branch or election campaign) I understand that my name and the amount of the donation will be reported to the Electoral Commission for publication on their public register of donations to Respect.

Make a donation to Samad's campaign

Make a donation to Respect's national election campaign

About Respect

The Respect Party was set up in January 2004. It was formed because of the need for a left-wing alternative to the three established parties - New Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats.

None of those parties represent the interests of ordinary working-class people or those who want a fairer, more equal and just society.

When millions marched against the invasion of Iraq, the government ignored us.

When workers and communities take strike action or protest against privatisation, job losses and cuts to our services, they are criticised by the New Labour government and the other parties.

The Respect Party is opposed to war, privatisation and unemployment.

The Respect Party stands for peace, publicly owned services and a decent future for all.

We want a world in which the democratic demands of the people are carried out; a world based on need not profit; a world where solidarity rather than self-interest is the spirit of the age.

We want to reach out to all those who share our views, to build a new party for change in the interests of ordinary people.

Election Successes
Respect has made progress since it was set up in January 2004.

In the 2005 general election Respect got impressive results despite the 'first past the post' electoral system, which makes things difficult for a new party. We were able to win results in a clutch of inner-city working class constituencies which no other left party had achieved for a very long time.

Expelled Labour MP George Galloway stood for Respect in the east London constituency of Bethnal Green and Bow and overturned a 10,000 majority held by the New Labour pro-war MP Oona King.

In two other east London constituencies, East and West Ham, Respect came second to Labour. In another east London constituency, Poplar and Canning Town, we came third.

In Sparkbrook and Small Heath in Birmingham Salma Yaqoob won 27.5 percent of the vote - only 3,000 votes short of winning the seat.

We now have six councillors on Tower Hamlets council, a councillor in the London Borough of Newham and three councillors on Birmingham City Council.

If you would like to find out more then 
get in touch or join us.