by: Asghar Bukhari
Let us go back to 1492; it was in this year that the Muslims were defeated in Spain by Christian fanatics. Within 100 years the Christians had committed a Holocaust that wiped every single Muslim from Spain -with the tacit agreement of much of the rest of Christian Europe. The land of thousands of mosques now saw them burn or converted to Churches. The Muslims that once visited the mosques were massacred or ethnically cleansed. The entire Muslim population of Spain disappeared from the land they had lived in for hundreds of years.
practicing Muslims claim that the first and highest priority of a Muslim has
always been the rituals they perform and the great ethical causes of the world
are of secondary importance.
I usually stay clear of theological debates, I am drawn to this particular
argument, because of the damage it has done to the revolutionary message of
Islam and how today this argument is used to undermine any political awakening
of the Muslims.
are taught to spend their lives on the impossible task of perfecting themselves
through ritualistic worship and never wake up to the true cause of Islam.
theological concept was implanted in the minds of our religious leadership by
those who unjustly ruled us. They feared that the ethics of Islam would
undermine their authority. So they allowed Muslims to pray — just as long as
they were silent on injustice. Over time that is exactly what we did.
rituals the first and most important thing a Muslim should do? Was perfecting
ones rituals our mission on this earth? Or did ethics take precedence? Perhaps
history could give us an insight and an answer to this troublesome argument
about priorities.
Let us go back to 1492; it was in this year that the Muslims were defeated in Spain by Christian fanatics. Within 100 years the Christians had committed a Holocaust that wiped every single Muslim from Spain -with the tacit agreement of much of the rest of Christian Europe. The land of thousands of mosques now saw them burn or converted to Churches. The Muslims that once visited the mosques were massacred or ethnically cleansed. The entire Muslim population of Spain disappeared from the land they had lived in for hundreds of years.
being willing or able to uphold Justice all their prayers could not hold back
what followed. In this hellish period recorded in history, Muslim women were
raped in their tens of thousands. Muslim women were referred to as ‘whores’ by
the Christian ruling classes, and were used as such — so much so that it is
recorded how a village elder complained to the Church that all the children had
the eyes of the local priest. A man of the cloth, who was tasked with forcibly
converting them to Christianity, His method of choice was mass rape.
Nor were
their children spared, they were taken, traumatised and broken and given to the
very priests who had raped their mothers -in order that they be brought up as
‘good Christians’. Hundreds of thousands of Muslim children would have their
families broken up in this way. Many would have their fathers or mothers
murdered in front of them as they were forcibly removed — only to be taught to
hate the very Muslims that gave birth to them; A crime never spoken of or
remembered by Europeans — or by historically ignorant Muslims.
Muslim men feared no better. Account after account is given in the excellent
book that is a must-read for all Muslims - ‘Blood and Faith’ by Mathew Carr -
of how they were brutalised; expelled from the homes or enslaved (this Muslim
slave trade powered the Spanish economy). Muslim men were even castrated
en-masse to stop them having children and polluting Christian Spain. Islam was
banned and Muslims were mercilessly tortured for even the slightest hint that
they may still be following it. Stories of Muslim men being caught washing,
consequently accused of secretly doing ablutions for prayer, were subsequently
burned alive in public for doing so are documented.
There is
a logical reason I write about this period in history. You see the force of
history itself proves the apolitical Muslims argument incorrect. For without
standing against injustice (the first and highest of all obligations commanded
by Allah) — there would be no prayer, for it would be wiped off the face of
this earth — as it was in Spain.
Spain is
not the only place this type of brutal uprooting of Islam has occurred. This
occurred whenever the Muslims became weak and unwilling to uphold the great
ethics Allah demanded they fight for. Time and time and time again we were
destroyed — and prayers did not save us. Spain, Portugal, Albania, Italy, the
Balkans, Burma, the Caucasus, Palestine… all places where for the most part
Islam was or is being wiped out.
cannot be greater than justice — because without justice there is no prayer. It
would lie dead along with the corpses of those who prayed and history proved
so ingrained is the false teaching that rituals are superior to ethics that
logic and the weight of millions of dead, raped, burned alive and ethnically
cleansed Muslims will not convince those who believe otherwise. It would have
to happen to their families before they would realise why Allah made the
struggle for Justice so important in the Quran.
used to be God’s champions on this earth sent to help the poor and the
downtrodden — now we are the last to help, too busy rushing to the mosque to
help anyone else.
Now all
the great Islamic ethical battles of the world, from animal rights, to human
rights, from global warming, to the rights of women are fought for by
non-Muslims. Go to any Palestine demo and you find non-Muslims far outnumber
Muslims. They care more for our people than we do.
became a secondary matter in our lives. Our religion lost its meaning. Allah
had a mission for us — to bring the Light of His justice where before there was
only the darkness of tyranny.
betrayed Him and we suffered humiliation as a result.
To clarify,
I am not saying we should not pray, neither am I saying prayer is not an
obligatory and beautiful blessing from Allah. It is all these things and more.
No man can thank God enough for the honour of being able to communicate with
Him through prayer.
What I am
saying is prayer was supposed to be a pillar, a way to remind mankind of their
mission to roll back oppression. This pillar was supposed to support the giant
leap in faith we had to make when carrying out our mission, to bring justice in
a world of tyrants. We as Muslims were tasked to bring about that order — even
if it meant dying in the process.
thanks to the colonized version of apolitical Islam, Muslims used prayer as an
excuse to hide behind, a replacement for great deeds, not a pillar to uphold
them. They made prayer their sole most important mission and abandoned any
greater cause.
You see
God asks us, to do two types of obligation. One is for the world around us and
the other is for ourselves. Prayer is just for ourselves but what we do for the
wider society, we are doing both for ourselves and for others. That is why God
prioritises justice over ritual.
beauty of the Islam that brought men flocking to the Prophet PBUH was the great
ethical revolution it brought to their lives — not rituals, which Arabs had an
abundance of, prior to the message of Islam. It was the great ethics of Islam,
that made them better than they were, freed them from their selves and from the
tyranny of others. It made selfish men understand their whole lives were about
making a better world for others in the Cause of God.
It taught
them that the first obligation of a Muslim was to bring justice to those who
had none — to uphold a just order. You see when the Muslim understands this;
his prayer has real meaning, for it upholds something deeper, something
greater. It upholds the very attributes of God. When we understand this — then
and only then - will our prayers get back the true meaning they once held,
instead of the hollow excuse it is now.
A Pillar
upholds something great…else it has no purpose.
“We sent
Our Messengers with clear signs and sent down with them the Book and the
Measure in order to establish justice among the people…” (Quran 57:25)
It was as
simple as that.