Pakistan's Supreme Court Bench that ran away!

For this dishonourable bench to hide behind a winter vacation Calendar, is as disgraceful, as shameful and as flimsy as Nawaz hiding behind the Qatari Prince's letter.

No shame. No respect.  No pain for the country. No professionalism and above all no ethics, morality and sense of justice.

Everything that this infamous Supreme Court and especially this bench of 5 did is highly questionable.

First lying low, and like Nero and Caligula, power intoxicated and merry-making, from April to October, while Pakistan burned.

Then deciding to take on the case and setting the Nov 1st date, for the first hearing, one day before Imran threatens Armageddon.

It stinks.  It stinks all across the Margallas!

These actions are an absolute disgrace to their institution and to each individual who was and is part of this infamous bench.

Why on earth would you take on a case, set high expectations and then slink away like rats under the pretence of "winter holidays”?

Under what compulsions did these so called lordships wake up from their damn power induced intoxication of 7 months in the first place?

And then what prompted these so called lordships to jump ship and throw this bag of crap to another bench?

The entire lawyer community should hang its head in shame.

These 5 SC judges, especially the CJ, basically covered their backsides, and some hoping for some crumbs to come their way, post retirement.

It was clear that this disgraceful bench had already made up its mind to dump the case when they "asked" both parties about forming a Commission.

Is that how the Supreme Court of our land works?

How many money launderer's, crooks, criminals have been offered" Commissions" by these people who now disgrace the sacred role of Supreme Court Justice?

How many commissions, you dishonourable lordships, how many?

You're a disgrace to these sacred seats you occupy, my dear dishonourable lordships or whatever you are called.

A disgrace!

They even indirectly urged Imran’s lawyers to opt for a commission, subtly implying that his case was weak.

They also knew Nawaz would accept the commission, and thus so these 5 stooges could rid themselves of having to decide the case.

Imran didn't take the bait so they were only left with an option that a lowly clerk and  "babu" is left with.

Sir may nay chuthee jaana hay. Mayree bahen ki shaadee hay! (Sir I need to go to take leave. My sister is getting married!)

Some stupid rules and procedures of winter vacations.

What utter nonsense!

So go ahead your dishonourable lordships. Go ahead and fiddle while Pakistan burns. Pakistan will not forget nor forgive you. 

Shameful. Disgraceful.  Koee Sharam hothee hay, Koee haya hothee hay.

And all they could come up with, was to hide behind their damn winter vacation calendar.

May you 5 have -40 degrees with wind chill wherever you go for that so critical vacation.

Off with their heads, I say!

By Anonymous.