British rapper Akala said this:
"So why will I be voting now? The answer will surprise none of you, Jeremy Corbyn.", "We do not need perfect politicians, because we are not perfect people ourselves.
However for the first time in my adult life and perhaps for the first time in British history someone I would consider to be a fundamentally decent human being – that is, someone who does not want to kill the poor and does not routinely make a habit of rationalising the bombing and invasion of other peoples countries under the rubric of humanitarianism – has a chance of being elected."
"I simply think we cannot afford, in this very particular set of circumstances, to not vote.
Our brothers and sisters in America were not given an alternative, their options were one war-mongering lunatic vs. another and many of them (almost half the US electorate did not vote at all), quite understandably could not bring themselves to vote for Hilary Clinton, despite the threat of Mr. Trump.
Were I an American I must confess I would have done the same.
We, however, do have a chance for the first time to vote for the lesser of two evils."
There are a great many other progressive policies that make Corbyn a genuinely different candidate from what we have seen before but another very key area – of literally life and death – is the NHS.
If you want to see what privatised healthcare looks like just ask any poor American.
"There are countless American families mired in a lifetime of debt for basic healthcare that citizens of every other industrial country (and Cuba) receive as standard from public money.
When I was five I got the measles and nearly died!
If I was an American child born into a similarly poor family I would either likely be dead now or my family still paying off the bill."
"When I was 10 my mum got cancer, same story.
The idea and reality of an NHS is one of the most democratic ideas ever invented.
It must be protected at all costs, the Tories have made their intentions in this area quite plain – as has Corbyn."
"If you are so busy hating those pesky ‘immigrants’ (you know the same darkies and foreign nationals that overwhelmingly staff your NHS) that you can’t see that the Trump worshipping Tories are callous enough to condemn millions of ‘their own’ people to slow and early death because they are poor and because it’s profitable, (as the Republicans just have) then you are unlikely to be reading this anyway.
But if you have such people in your family (as I do) please try and talk some sense into them, for their own good."
"The simple fact is, if enough people vote for Corbyn/Labour they will win.
In fact there are enough people that did not vote at all in the last election to tip the scales decidedly."